Hello my dear classmates today I have a very boring critique but questionable, maybe, I don’t know it is just my opinion but I think that university is pretty acceptable, about the curriculum I wouldn’t change anything but I would do it when we talk about the co-curricular activities, because I think that only a few people can take this courses because of the limit these courses have for the semester and I hate the low probability to take these courses for the newer students but when I was an older student I would be grateful, and I can complain about the workload but I think if I do it, you will think I´m lazy so I won´t do that in this occasion but I’m giving you my idea. I have liked the most of classes I’ve had but there are some classes that are really tedious but this is something personal and there always will be classes that I will like more than others. I like JGM, I mean the space, the buildings but I like grass and the part of our faculty doesn’t have too much but I only have to walk a little to sit on the grasses of the art´s faculty but it would be better if I shouldn’t walk that little, I like the libraries we have and some other places to rest like the rooms under the ‘’whales’’, but for now I am satisfied, just a bit, but satisfied with the things that university give us so I hope it won’t change.


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