Hi guys this time we have to talk about this quarantine, in my house it haven’t been really hard, my brother is taking it pretty well, he is studying his first year out of school and he have done pretty well, my parents says that they are really bored because they used to work almost every day and that is their way of living. For me, this situation is painful, when I remember those days that I could see my friends I feel very sad and my motivation sometimes just turn off like the lights of the house ,so study have been hard , not even my internet has worked well, I try to focus in the classes and suddenly im not connected because of my wifi, so most of the days I wake up without  studying attitude. I think this quarantine has showed us the problems of this society, I mean the selfishness of the authority, they are letting people to catch the virus, they decide to make the quarantine too late, just to keep the economy working , actually, when I think of this I feel worse, I don’t know why they don’t want people to take the money of their own pension, I don’t know why they want people to fall into debt , so I hope that this system end up crashing, and I think quarantine is the best way to face the virus, but like I said before, this step was taken very late. When my motivation turns on I dedicate my time to learn songs to play them with the guitar and sing them too, I have talked more with my brother, I also talk with my friends whit the video calls but I still miss them, and I also miss my normal life, that’s good I think, because it makes you to appreciate the little beautiful thinks of the daily life. The only thing I want to do after this quarantine is to see my people and have the sickest party together.


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