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In this opportunity I’m going to talk you about my favorite series and it is House M.D, I think I love this series because of the humor of Gregory House, and because of his thinking, he always says that everybody lies, and in this series, you can see how patients lie to the doctor because they are ashamed of themselves, and House also says that lies make society work, but he also criticize this, and we can see it in his way of living, people always treat him like an idiot because he is offensive but honest, maybe he goes too far, but it makes him hilarious, he make racist and sexist jokes, but we can see the sarcasm with he does these jokes, he doesn’t discriminate people for their race or sex, he discriminates people for being people, everybody lies, everybody prefer to lie and die than say the truth and live with this truth, for this reason House thinks everybody are idiots and he knows that he also is an idiot but he can recognize it and live with it, because maybe we all are idiots, but society makes us to be what they want us to be, and a society full of idiots is not what people want, maybe we prefer liers than idiots. I think series and movies are a space for tell us a story, but more important they should give a message, I see art of this way, it can entertain but if it is empty, it doesn’t worth it, and in House M.D I can see that society is going to waste, because the really important things have no value anymore, maybe in the misery we can see the things as they are.



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