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I want to say the last ‘’Hi guys!’’ :C, and I hope you´re fine and today we have an interesting topic: English Language Challenge. First I must say that I think I have to improve my English in every sense; reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, etc. Because I know that sometimes I say what I want but in a wrong way, but, even so, the other one can understand what I meant. I think my weakest skill is listening, especially when I am listening to someone who speaks English as his principal language, you know when I am watching a movie or a series sometimes I don’t understand very well but I’m practicing that anyways, I also want to say that I would like to distinguish the accents, I can only recognize the british accent because is very exotic and I thinks it is funny to imitate. Besides I want to expand my vocabulary because I think that I use to use the same words almost every time, but I also know It´s normal, I do it even speaking Spanish. I use to watch movies and series in

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